October 11, 2020

The scaffold starts from special steel beams, the dome part is built as a kind of self-supporting structure from the vaulting of eight units without stipulations and supports. The upward-narrowing dome shape is fully followed by the rack, consoled at each level.

Our performance during the investment:
Our other tasks include replacing the shell of the synagogue dome and all its roof surfaces with minor structural repairs. The existing slate cover of the dome will be given a new double-covered slate shell with a total surface area of ​​360 m². The tiled roof surfaces will be covered with a single-cover grooved tile covering at about 1200 m² after the new foiling and slat has been laid. The construction is complicated by the fact that while the average gutter height of the building is 18 meters, the dome starts from 25 meters and has a top height of 50 meters, so sending the materials up – tiles, slate, scaffolding material – can only be solved by lifting them onto heavy scaffolding.